Sunday, June 2, 2013

Killing it today ;; Thanking myself tomorrow

Another great week =D
So since we had a long weekend for labor day last week I used Monday to move my weights inside and I did my first at-home circuit workout!!

I did each each exercise 4 times for 1 minute with 20 second breaks in between. Some of the breaks ended up being a littttle longer so I could breathe, wipe up my sweat, or get some water! I was dyyyyyyingg by the end of this!

Eww.. It was like a swimming pool of sweat! But as soon as I got done I took the dogs for a mile and a half walk. It was 75 degrees outside and beauuutiful!! Heffy's paws got hurt & it was really sad... but thats besides the point!
Tuesday's bootcamp was a killer!

I started with board 3 and ended with 2. OUCH! One and a half rep push-ups are NOT my friend. I have a hard time with "proper" pushups the way it is with my left wrist. Steph posted a video for us to watch of pushups... and I have been practicing them that way at home, but my wrist is SOOOOO sore. She told me to just keep working with it. It hurts like a bitch.. but I will get it! Tuesday killed me! I completed the first two stations within the time period, but I only made it through number three on the last board. I was ticked at myself.. but I knew it was unrealistic. So I did the remaining three exercises when I got home=)
Wednesday at small group was very different than the past ones!! We did a little mini circuit outside with elevated tire pushups, tire jumps, wood chops w med ball, jumping jacks?!?.. maybe. yeah. That was after a rope ladder warmup!
I've NEVER felt so uncoordinated in my life. This was very humbling!
So.. I must not forget, it was HOT outside on Wednesday. Around 75 again. We stayed outside the whole time! We did sprints up and down the yard pulling a tire behind us, speed walked/ran with buckets filled with water in each hand up and down the yard. Did barbell walking lunges, deadlifts, hamstring lower back things on the roman chair (I finally figured out what it is called!)
Yes.. those kill my lower back! I need one of these!! 
Then we attempted pullups on a bar connected to Steph's house! It was really high so Holly had to lift me! We did assisted ones pushing our feet into each other's hands. Those were good. But I still can't do a normal one. At the end of the session the girls were talking about the Twilight 12k that was happening on Friday. Joelle signed up with Tiera to walk it, but got hurt. Tiera asked me if I would want to take her spot if she was okay with it and I REALLY wanted to say no.. but I said maybe and she said she would message me the next day after she talked to Joelle. 

The next day I got a message saying Joelle said I could take her spot and that Tiera would pick up my bib and shirt for me when she went to get hers. YIKES!!! I was scared! I've NEVER ran a race.. not even a 5k. I mean, I have run that far for fun.. but I never even ran 7.46 miles for fun! So I had bootcamp Thursday still.....

It was good! I went home and made some spaghetti with grass fed beef so I could get some extra carbs and prepare for this race that I agreed to....

Friday I was wishing all day that I could just switch to the 6k and I kept looking at the route that I was going to run that night. 

Everyone at work thought I was absolutely insane when I told them I was doing a 12k that night and they were making fun of me all day. Whatever. They are lame.! =P
So I left work early and got to come home and talk to MaKayla (<3). I planned on napping, but seeing my little mama was much better! I ate a little bit of spaghetti and a pb&j on ezekiel bread at about 5pm and then I left! I was meeting Tiera at Skinny Raven around 6pm so she could give me my bib and shirt! 
We stood around and talked forever and found some other Figarelle's Fitness people! Tiera and I started the race together, but I lost her by the first turn! I felt AMAZING!!! I walked a few hills, but I was absolutely shocked that I just kept going. Running really is mind over matter! My knees started to ache a little around six miles, but I just kept telling myself that the slower I went the longer they were going to hurt!! I only saw mile markers 2 and 5 and I didn't wear a watch, so I was absolutely clueless how far I was and how long I had been running. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I enjoyed myself the whole way. There was a very large hill towards the end.. like, after the 7 mile mark (according to the above map) and I wanted to walk SOOO bad.. but in the opposite lane it said "Remember Boston" and "Alaska loves Boston". Talk about motivation to push through the last little bit!!! 
I am SOOO glad I did this run. There were people outside their homes the whole way cheering us on and it was just an amazing experience!! My finishing time was 01:15:03!!!!!!!!!!  WOAH! I was very very impressed with this! My pace time was 10:04 a mile! The whole way.... I didn't even know that was close to being possible =P 
The gun time is a little longer cause we started in the middle.. but the chip time is my official result that was shown at the end of the race! It sucks that it doesn't say my name.. but that's okay!! 

There I am finishing!! With Denise right ahead of me!! Wooohooo! 
I'm not paying $10 for this picture so this is as good as it gets;)
But I'm happy. HUGE proud moment!! 
I stopped at Walmart on the way home to get some epsom salt and I took a niceeee warm bath when I got home!! My knees and my shins are slightly sore, but that is amazing compared to my shin splints after running less than a mile that I was dealing with a few months ago!! 

So Saturday morning I went to bootcamp. haha. yikes!! We did a lot of legs in the warmup even though Steph told me we wouldn't do legs before she left on Friday night! =P
And we did stair runs for five minutes in the beginning. 
Someone got the rotation off so right before Barbell Push Press I had to do THIRTY one and a half rep pushups! OUCH!!! 
After bootcamp I had some much needed rest and relaxation time!!! 
I did the same today.. only I cleaned and went grocery shopping and did laundry and all of that good stuff!! So I jumped on my pull-up bar today, also! I was just going to do some negative pull-ups.. or jump up and hang as long as I could. BUT I jumped up and decided to try to pull myself all the way up above the bar AND IT HAPPENED!!!!! I went to a dead hang and tried to get myself up again, but I could only get about half way. EXCITING!!!! I can't stop trying now!! haha. I need to start practicing other grips too, though! 
I have so many happy positive thoughts this week!! I started a photo-a-day challenge for my last month in Alaska and number one is "goal". So my goal is to run at least 23 miles this month since I am turning 23! I wish the twilight 12k counted.. but it was a day too early ;) I will get it though! I completely plan on exceeding 23.. but it is a fun goal and a good meaning!!! 
=) I love fitness. I love my life. I love progress. <3

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