Monday, June 17, 2013

Fuck mediocrity. Be phenomenal.

Happy Monday! (Not really... but, yeah!) 
Last week Tuesday I got my measurements taken again! Since I was doing this I weighed myself at the gym that afternoon. 111! That is less than my eighteen year old weight that I have thought was out of reach since after the summer I lost it! And my muscles were about 0% developed back then! Anyhow, here are my measurements:
6/11/2013 Measurements:
Right arm - 9 1/4 in. (1/4 smaller)
Right Thigh - 18 1/4 in. (1 in. bigger)
Waist - 24 in. (3/4 in. smaller)
Hips - 34 in. (1/4 in. bigger)
 (Either my butt is growing or it is because I was wearing loose shorts?)
Body Fat - 20.8% (1.9% lower)

And here was the workout for the night! 

 For our warm-up we also did a fitness assessment with a plank, burpees, pushups, squats, and vertical jumps (I think that's what it included!) I don't remember my numbers. I just remember that my plank was 4:10 and I was super happy about it! I used to not even be able to stay up the whole minute! And vertical jumps burnnnn like hell, but I think I got a decent amount of those, also.

Wednesday at small group we did a lot of core stuff. We did the ab wheel.. which makes me feel like I am going to face plant! We also did the roman chair thing that kills me lower back. I did some of them with a weight.. but jesus those hurt! We did decline situps with a weight behind our noggins. We did the treadmill. We did squats. And I believe we did stiff legged deadlifts! We were all super sweaty and gross, but Steph decided that was a perfect time to capture the results of her ass kicking!

 Chamene is a badass!! I'm happy you can at least see a few of my abs though =P My goal is to have the rest by my first beach picture of the summer.. ekkk!

Thursday we had the TRXs back for the first time since bootcamp moved to the new place!! =))
I love the TRXs. They are really challenging for me! I don't know why, but I just suck at the renegade row. It never seems to get easier for me. It has officially been added to my at home in front of the mirror workouts! 

I went to boot camp on Friday night this week also! 

This was a good one! I started with board #2. I had never done the wall-sit leg extensions before. They burn! I did finish the board and get through a few extra eccentric pushups! The T-pushups kicked my ass right off the bat on the second board. I completed that board right at the end of the time, though! For warm-ups we did the across the floor stuff, which makes me halfway die before the actual workout even starts =P

Saturday was The Color Run!! Woohooo!!

I had a ton of fun!! Michelle, Balinda, and I all ran it together! It took us 25-27 minutes. We didn't look at the clock exactly when we started. Afterwards Michelle and I walked to Leroy's for breakfast and then hurried over to bootcamp! We still had some color on us (that stuff is hard to get off!!! But rubbing alcohol works=P)! The warm-up was pretty long this day! It was good though! Steph gave us a lot of useful information about form and balance and some other goodies!!
I really liked the TRX: I's-Y's-T's! It was difficult to get the hang of, but Lela was right there to help =)
I was absolutely pooped after this morning so I took a pretty amazing nap when I got home ;)

On Sunday I made my puppies cupcakes for Rosco's birthday!
But since they got treats, I wanted some... so I made myself this!
It is dates, honey, raw oats, dried cranberries, pistachios, flax seed, and a few white chocolate chips! I haven't had a chance to eat much of it yet, but I tasted it right after I made it and it was pretty damn good! I am going to try to incorporate some new things into my diet in the next few weeks. I feel like I am stuck and have been eating the same things over and over! I pinned a lot of new ideas over the weekend though, so we shall see how they turn out! =)


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