Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Just. Keep. Climbing!

A little late entry.. but better late than never!

Last week…..
Tuesday was good!
Bosu Spidy push-ups kick my ass. I haven’t mastered that one.. but I’m still working on mastering the  “correct” way to do push-ups. I like to have my arms much wider than I should =P I ate some deliccccc food after bootcamp though! I stole the idea from the Figarelle fb fan page! =)
Zucchini boats with grass fed beef, onions, a little cheese, and parsley <3
Steph posted this on Wednesday .. & I love it. Especially the “if you use the elliptical machine… your program sucks.” Part!

 Lol.! She’s freaking awesome!!
I ended up in the emergency room with an IV and dumb shit on Wednesday afternoon and I was really worried that I wasn’t going to make it to Steph’s for small group on time… but I got there! =D We did all upper body stuff! Thank Jesus. We did some negative pull-ups, dumbbell curls, bicep curls with a bar and I don’t remember what else =/ Oops! But it was good.. my biceps were screaming and it felt like they were about to tear open my skin!!!! Gahhhh! I'm dramatic ;)
Thursday was bootcamp again!

Someone got the rotation off after TWO STATIONS! (maybe 4.. idk!) I was not very happy. This is the second session within two weeks that the same person fucked it up (excuse my language). Like Steph says, we are still getting a workout, but I would prefer to get in the workout that she spends her time planning for us rather than doing one and a half rep pushups half of the time because people are idiots and can’t figure out where they need to go. Rant over.! =)
Friday I hiked Flat Top with some people from work! It was awesome. The stairs killed my quads. And my knee was throbbing by the time we were about ¾ of the way up! There were still some pretty snowy areas, which made me nervous! I have a weird fear of tumbling to my death down the side of a mountain.  I’m crazy, I know =). The way back down sucked. Mostly just cause my knee was not happy! I wish I would have slid down the snowy part though! I saw people doing it and it looked like so much fun! But I was already to the bottom of that part! I looked at my knee when I was almost to the bottom and it was huggggeee. I don’t even know why?!?!!
So when I got home I iced it and all of that good stuff. 

Saturday I was supposed to do the 5 mine Alaska Run for Women, but I didn’t. =( I woke up late and started rushing around, but my knee did not feel anywhere near perfect. So I think I was meant to wake up late. I have always liked to try to push through pain and injuries and it has never benefited me! So I didn’t run and I had already said I wasn’t going to bootcamp. I took advantage of my free time and started packing up my house.. which took me all of Saturday and Sunday and I am nowhere near done!! I felt very lazy and gross during those two days, so Sunday night I did about a 30 minute workout.. just with dumbbells and my kettlebell!

All of my lunch workouts during the week were awesome. I made sure I was sore/shaking by the time I left each of the days! Those are always my favorite! =)) I don’t remember if I included my weight in last week’s post… but I’m getting my measurements tonight (6/11) so I will include it with the next post!! ;)


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