Monday, June 24, 2013

I will become what I know I am.

Hellooooo! =)

Tuesday we got to do more new stuff on the TRXs!
I absolutely dislike the S.Band Pull-Apart. It looks and sounds so easy. But it's not! At all! =P
I also had a terrible time with the stability ball pike to roll-out =/ I feel like I need a mirror to do that properly.

Wednesday's small group class was big this week! There were eight of us! We did each exercise three times rather than four before switching stations! The stations were lying dumbbell press, overhead barbell press, incline run, roman chair lower back killers =P, incline barbell bench, negative pull-ups, lateral raise, and scarecrow! When I got the the treadmill Steph said "I'm going to be mean to you!" oh nooooo! I dont remember what the incline was set to.. 8 maybe?! and the speed was 7 and then 7.5. I think. Yikes. I was wearing my heart rate monitor for the first time and my heart rate was at 177. The lateral raises hurt really freaking bad and I only did them with 5s. Humbling.

While I was doing the deadlift Steph came over and told me I should try the heavier of the two options. So I did. It was 95 pounds, I believe. I had never done more than 70! But it was good.. it hurt, but I did it without stopping! =) 

Saturday was the Mayor's Marathon and I was on a relay team! I did the third leg which was apparently six miles...and I had to walk nearly two miles to get to the start of my spot because the people were being retarded and wouldn't let cars through?! I think they tricked me on the distance though! Where the timer was handed off to me was supposed to be the end of mile 15. So I started running and a few minutes later saw a sign that said 16. So I thought I was done with one mile already. It seemed a little short, but I had a lot of downhills so I just didn't pay attention to the time! My portion was suppose to go to the end of mile 21, so when I got to sign 20 I started speeding up... alot. I had been running the whole time and I was tired, but I felt great and I really just wanted to finish strong and give it my all. WELL.... I got to sign 21 and there was nobody in sight... and I soon realized that the signs marked the start of the miles rather than the end! =/ I was so ticked that I had just used so much energy, but the anger made me want to finish even faster. haha. I wasn't really "mad mad" but you know...! So the signs and exchange points did not match up. At all. They weren't right by each other at the 22 either. I felt like I was having a horrible joke played on me! haha. BUT I finished in one hour (& 16 seconds!). And I was very happy with that and proud that I didn't stop running except to grab a quick cup of water at two stations! After everyone had finished a bunch of us went to Moose's Tooth!! mmmmmm!!!! =))
This photo is missing Charlene, Denise, Heather, and Tiff!
I was really happy that I did this one.. just like I was happy I did the twilight 12k! =) 

I know today is Monday and this should be included in next week's post, but I just can't wait..... I DID A PULL-UP WITHOUT JUMPING! A real one! From a dead hang! I did two of them actually. Just not in a row!! I was so shocked and so excited!!!! But I tried to do a third a few minutes later and I didn't quite make it all the way up. It was sad... but I am still really proud! I am going to go try again right after I post this before I go to sleep! EKKKKK! Amazing!!! 

Here is a photo of earlier this week... but this one was with a jump start!

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