Before my six month deployment that started in October of 2011 I was heavier and lazier and just plain shittier than ever. I think I spent 80% of my time drunk which led me to smoke a lot of cigarettes and eat a lot of McDonalds and Taco Bell. I recognized that I was going in a bad direction and I went on Jenny Craig, but after a few months I realized that it just wasn't for me or my lifestyle. I was living with people who liked to have a BBQ with massive amounts of alcohol every weekend and I missed that while I was sitting on the sidelines with my little tray of shitty Jenny Craig food. I quit smoking two months before I deployed and decided that I would get really serious when I got to the desert. I don't know exactly what I weighed when I left Alaska, but I recall seeing the number 145 at some point around this time!
I started running a lot during my time in the desert and I started doing a lot of research on fitness and supplements. My goal was to be able to do 25 pushups by the time I left because I could barely do 3 when I got there! My supervisor and LT held me accountable for that goal and we all did pushups all of the time at work. I had a PT test on March 26, 2011 a few weeks before I was scheduled to come home. I ran a 13:36 mile (I think that was my official time?! Im probably a few seconds off), did 50 sit-ups in one minute, and did 36 pushups! I exceeded my goal! I also weighed in at 117 pounds with a 28" waist! It felt g-l-o-r-i-o-u-s!!!!
Fast forward to now (one year later)!!
My PT test was on March 15. I got a 94.8%! That is the best I have ever done. I ran my mile and a half in 13:35, maxed out my sit-ups at 55, and did 43 push ups! I weighed in at 115 pounds with a 26" waist. Go me go! So, I go to the gym almost every day at lunch, go on the weekends.. blahblahblah. I found a love for the weight room. But a few weeks ago I started loosing motivation and was bored with my "routine". I saw that Lindsay had "checked-in" to Figarelle's Fitness Boot Camp on Facebook one night and I decided to creep a little and see what she was up to! It looked like exactly the kind of thing I was looking for! I wanted a group activity, I wanted change, I wanted excitement, I wanted help, and I wanted to be held accountable! Linsday hooked me up with some information and after emailing Steph, the owner of Figarelle's Fitness, I was invited to come to a boot camp session for free to see if it really was the right program for me before making a commitment. In the original "contact us" email on her website it stated that they don't work with people without specific goals and asked for five.. I probably wrote something very crazy, because I wasn't expecting that, but I will try to remember them and post them at the end of this!
March 26th I went to my first class and immediately felt like I was exactly where I belonged! It was tough as hell! I thought I was going to die. I considered myself to be in decent shape before, but holy hell! I LITERALLY could barely walk for three days after. My calves were so sore I didn't know what to do with myself! Steph asked how I was feeling the day after class and I told her I felt like I had been beaten with a bag of bricks... but it really actually felt worse than that I think! She told me to drink 3-4 liters of water per day, get plenty of protein, get plenty of sleep, and use a foam roller if I had one. So, I listened. I bought a foam roller and I love it! I think that I have increased my bathroom breaks throughout the day by about 80% because of the crazy amount of water I have been drinking.
Well, I did what any sane person would do.. I went back to class the following Saturday and wrote a check for enough sessions to last me the rest of the time I am in Alaska (about 95 days)! Saturday's session was amazing also! Steph and Lela are awesome! I did thinks that I have never done before and did a terrible job at some.. but I still did it.. and I can only get better from here! I leave there feeling completely satisfied with myself no matter how much I think about the fact that I can't freaking seem to balance after lifting one arm and the opposite leg from a position on all fours.
yeah... thats harder than it looks!!! Anyway.. I can't go to boot camp this week because of the stupid exercise going on at work, but I will be back next Tuesday and I can't wait! My soreness went away and I went to the gym to try to get it back, but it's just not the same! haha. yes.. I know I said I was dying.. but being sore is the greatest pain! Tuesday I will go in early to get my official beginning measurements and "before" photos and all that good stuff. I took my own and measured myself.. but we wont go with those! By my final session I have a few goals...
1. Get rid of that disgusting wing.. aka, arm flab that takes away from my developing bicep ;)
2. I would prefer if my thighs wouldn't touch like they do.. thats the thing I hate about myself the most.
3. My calves. They have always been my weak point and now I know just how weak! bleck. I wanna fix those!
4. Abs. I told Savier that I wanted abs by our wedding. Even just slightly!?! oh this one will be hard!!
5. Endurance. I want to be able to run five miles again without even thinking twice about it! I get out of breath easily.. and it makes me feel like a fat out of shape heffer when I start huffing and puffing after a few minutes!!
6. I need to do AT LEAST one pull up. I have never done one in my life!!
6. I need to do AT LEAST one pull up. I have never done one in my life!!
...I probably have a lot more.. but this is long enough for now! I will post about my progress and exciting boot camp stories as it all happens!
I can't wait to be a healthier and more fit me!
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